Sr. No. |
Name Of Document |
Download |
1 |
Extension of Affiliation |
2 |
3 |
Recginition Certificate |
4 |
School Management Commiitee |
5 |
Safe Water Drinking Certificate |
6 |
Building Safety Certificate |
7 |
DEO Performa |
8 |
Mandatory Public Disclosure |
9 |
Registration of Society |
10 |
Fire Safety Certificate |
11 |
Parent Teacher Association |
12 |
Fee structure 2023-24 |
13 |
Result X 2018 |
14 |
Result X 2019 |
15 |
Result X 2020 |
16 |
Result XII 2018 |
17 |
Result XII 2019 |
18 |
Result XII 2020 |
19 |
Calendar 2020-21 |
20 |
Result X & XII (SESSION 2021-22 & 2020-21) |